Tuesday 7 July 2020

Our Top 6 Crystals For Resilience

                    Our Top 6 Crystals For Resilience

There are so many types of crystals in every shade of colour. They are beautiful to look at and to hold, but they also have special properties that can help you through tough times. Here is a round up of the top 6 crystals that we at Be Woke recommend can support your inner work and resilience right now.


This powerful stone is a karmic crystal which helps you to transcend your physical life and gain a deeper insight into your spiritual nature and the higher plan of your soul’s purpose. It ensures that you are following your own path and not being led by the influence of others. It reduces stress and anxiety and encourages openness and acceptance.


This stone helps to assist meditation and to quiet the mind. It can bring about a state of calm and dispel anger and frustration. It helps to overcome self-denial and avoidance. It stimulates higher thought processes and enables you to ground spiritual values and integrity. It gives you a clear mind for making purposeful reasoned decisions.


This crystal contains the full spectrum of colors and therefore it amplifies all actions and intentions. It reflects the essence of your soul and encourages you to experience a deeper level of life. As an amplifier, you can use it together with any of the other crystals to magnify and strengthen their effect.

Pink or Green Apophyllite

This crystal helps you to see yourself and your situation more clearly and it promotes truth. Its connective properties help to ground and soothe necessary growth and can bring about the release of long held and suppressed emotions. It is also able to help you to travel between the different energetic aspects of your essence.


This crystal is capable of opening your inner sight so that you can clearly see what is required of you and what you need to do. It gives you a greater universal understanding of your soul. It helps you to release what is unnecessary and clearly see the path you need to travel. In this way it helps to reduce anxiety, stress and tension.


This stone gives you the ability to see beyond the mundane and opens up your vision to the unity of the past, present and future. It shines a light on the impact of your actions and in this way it effortlessly opens up your mind to the need for rightful action. This stone helps lift feelings of despair, especially with illness. It has a timeless quality which aids the ability to uncover the true source of any problem, going back as far as is necessary to find the answer. It brings emotional stability and a sense of peace.

Let us know what your favourite crystals are and how you use them. Post your message below.

Some crystals were formed millions of years ago. what makes them special is that they are made up of 3 dimensional repeating patterns of atoms called lattices. This special structure means that they can use energy in an ordered way. That is why quartz is used in watches and silicon in micro chips. They can absorb negative energy and get depleted, so they need cleansing and recharging. Here are some suggestion for how you can cleanse them:

Sunlight and moonlight

Light is energy and carries a vibration. Bathing your crystals in the special rays of sunlight or a full moon will cleanse them and recharge them.

Sound bath

Singing bowls are tuned to the energy of the chakras. Sound vibration is good for cleansing any negative thoughts or emotions your crystals pick up. Play your singing bowl for a few minutes around them.


You can cleanse your non porous crystals in running water. Find a fresh water stream or put them under a running tap for a few minutes. Water will move the energy through the crystal and realign it.

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